Senior Care News

Traveling with Your Loved One with Alzheimer’s

Plan for traveling with a loved one with Alzheimer's by consulting their doctor and Alzheimer's home care team, preparing them daily, and packing essentials for a safe and enjoyable trip.
Alzheimer's home care helps families know how to support their loved with Alzheimer's at home and when traveling.
Alzheimer's home care helps families know how to support their loved with Alzheimer's at home and when traveling.

Just because your loved one has Alzheimer’s disease and you use daily Alzheimer’s home care services, it doesn’t necessarily absolutely rule out any travel, especially if it is still fairly early in the diagnosis and he can still get around physically.


Why Travel with an Elderly Loved One with Alzheimer’s

You might have several reasons to either desire travel or need to travel with your elderly loved one. It could be that the family would like to spend some time together while they still can.

If you foresee a future where perhaps your loved one will no longer be able to visit his favorite places on this planet, now might be the last time you can plan a trip together.

If your loved one has clearance from his medical doctor for travel, you use tips from your Alzheimer’s home care team and the ones below, and you have support to help along the way, this could be the time to plan that final trip.


Preparation Tips Before Traveling with a Loved One with Dementia

One way to help your loved one prepare for the upcoming trip is to talk about it every day. He may forget each day, so it’s helpful to bring it up fresh each day, hopefully during a time of day when he’s most cognizant.

Also, alert your Alzheimer’s home care team about the upcoming trip so that they can ask about it on each visit. If he doesn’t remember, your Alzheimer’s home care team providers can then fill him in with the details.

If your trip involves going someplace he’s always loved, spend a lot of time talking about that place and looking through photos of it if you have them. This will help him with those memories. Your Alzheimer’s home care provider can spend a part of each visit looking through photos and asking questions about his favorite place.

When packing for the upcoming trip, make sure you have plenty of extra clothes for accidents, medications, and any other things he’ll need to stay safe and enjoy his time away from home.


Alzheimer’s Home Care Tips for Traveling

Sometimes, just getting there is the hardest part. Here are a few quick tips.

  • If your loved one didn’t like flying before the Alzheimer’s diagnosis, don’t try flying now.
  • Bring along emotional support items for the travel time. This could even include a pet he’s especially attached to.
  • Provide plenty of breaks. If you drive, be prepared for multiple stops.
  • Be patient. All steps will probably take longer than you are used to.
  • Have him wear an ID bracelet just in case you get separated.


Tips for Enjoying Your Time with Your Loved One

Once you arrive at your destination, whether it’s a favorite resort or a cabin in the woods, check your living space to make sure it’s safe for him. Remove tripping hazards or anything that he could accidentally hurt himself with.

If this is a familiar place to him, he might have a lot of memories and stories he’ll want to share over and over again. Be gracious and allow each story to be told fully and listen carefully. He might tell the same story over and over, but you still might hear something new each time.

Let him explore with close supervision. Walk around the areas he used to love, gaze at his favorite points of interest, and enjoy it fully while being by his side.


A trip with your loved one with Alzheimer’s will require patience and flexibility on your part but will let you create more memories with him.




If you or an aging loved one are considering Alzheimer’s Home Care in Garland, TX, contact the caring staff at HomeWell Care Services Plano TX  today. Call (469) 596-6500

HomeWell Care Services Plano TX is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Plano, Allen, McKinney, Frisco, Richardson, Garland, Little Elm, Prosper, and the surrounding areas.

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